Australia Scott Morrison’s Prime Minister on Monday announced that the country would remove its borders for tourists who were fully vaccinated from February 21. The reopening of the Australian border for international tourists will end after hiatus for almost two years due to Coronavirus (Covid-19) Pandemi, one of the restrictions on the world’s longest pandemic trips.

“It’s been almost two years since we made a decision to close the border to Australia,” Morrison told reporters. “Australia will reopen our borders for all visa holders left on February 21 this year “That condition must be a double vaccination to come to Australia. That is the rule. Everyone is expected to obey it,” he added.

Countries, however, will continue to be able to set their own quarantine rules Australia will seek to improve its pariwatory industry by greening border restrictions for foreign tourists who are fully vaccinated. The downstream hospitality sector has been hit by border restrictions caused by Covid, which is extended repeatedly considering the emergence of a new variant of concern.

The tourism industry in Australia has hit Hart, which, produces more than $ 84.9 billion annual income before the pandemic, according to Australia’s tourism. The annual income of the tourism sector is scheduled for 41% in the first year of Pandemic Covid-19 Australia and New Zealand must suspend the Trans-Tasman travel bubble after the emergence of a very contagious Delta variant. The variant encouraged the authorities to cancel large events in Australia. Border restrictions continue to apply while omicron variants quickly spread throughout the world. As inpatient care and receipt of intensive care continues to decline in most countries, the authorities gradually reduce limitations.


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