Claiming that he is not “anti-india or anti-American” or against any country, Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan on Monday said he wants good relations with all countries based on mutual respect. Overcoming the Public Interaction Program broadcast on television, the day after members of the Tehreek-e-Casa Pakistani party blocked no confidence in him in the National Assembly and received President Arif Alvi to dissolve a lower house, Khan attacked the opposition parties. The shared opposition strategy looked at the Supreme Court instead of preparing elections after the dissolution of the National Assembly was a sign that it was “worried about the public reaction,” he said.

Responding to questions amid controversy over a foreign letter threatening his government, Pak Khan, who has been asked to continue as the Prime Minister by the President until a guardian of the Prime Minister, said he did not oppose foreign countries.

“I am not against any country. I am not anti-Indian or anti-American. But we can oppose policy. I want friendship with them and there should be respect,” Khan said quoted by the dawn newspaper. Mr. Khan said that he did not feel intended to mean M.S., but it was more intended for friendship together with the superpower, free from disruption in domestic affairs on public interest, the Tribune Express reported.

He said he opposed countries that did not respect other sovereign countries and just issue orders. He called the opposition parties, allegating that “they serve these foreign countries as their men”In the past few days, Pak Khan, who was known for anti-Indian rhetoric, has praised Independent foreign policy New Delhi.

Mr. Khan in his question and answer session said he wanted to tell his people to never “become a slave” to any country just because he was under debt “In that case, death is better than slavery.” Khan said he was against the US-led war in Afghanistan, but he was never anti-us. He further said that he wanted good relations with all countries based on mutual respect, adding that he would not accept any policy that opposed the interests of the people of Pakistan. “Death is better than such slavery,” he said as quoted by the official news agency.The Prime Minister said that it was an insult for all countries when the ruler of 220 million people held talks with a strong state president by holding paper in his hand.

Imran Khan blasts opposition parties

Pak Khan detonated opposition parties for looking at the Supreme Court to relieve instead of preparing elections. On Sunday, members of the Pakistani Tehreek-e-Insaf party blocked no confidence in Khan in the National Assembly and received President Arif Alvi to dissolve the house down. The Pakistani Supreme Court on Monday postponed the trial in this matter.

Taking part in the program Directly “AAP Train Wazir-e-Azam, AAP Kay Sath” (your minister, with you) from Islamabad on Monday, Pak Khan answers questions from the general public “Opposition parties are afraid of public reactions and avoid the selection they demand,” he said.

To increase his contacts with people, he announced to take part in the protest rally in D-Chowk, right outside the red zone of the capital, being held by his supporters. “Peaceful protests will be staged after the Isha prayer (night) against betrayal by politicians [opposition],” he said. Pak Khan also defended the decision of the Vice Speaker of the National Assembly, Qasim Suri, to reject the non-confidence movement by saying it was based on “foreign conspiracy”.

“I want this trend to end where anyone with RS 20 billion can drop the government. This is unacceptable and the same as democracy discrediting,” he said He accused the opposition that it used money to buy the loyalty of the Provincial Parliament in Lahore where the Assembly would elect a new ministerial head this week.

Speaking of new elections, Khan said he would interview all candidates who were looking for tickets in Pakistan Tehreek-i-Casa Responding to the question, he rejected the impression of opposing any country. “I’m not against any country. I’m not anti-Indian or anti-American. But we can oppose policy. I want friendship with them and there must be respectful,” he said.

But hurrying added that he opposed countries that did not respect other sovereign countries and simply issue orders, references to the US. Khan’s comment came a day after he named the senior US diplomat Donald Lu as a person suspected of being involved in “foreign conspiracies” to bring down his government through voice not believing in opposition He said a nation should not “become a slave” to any country just because it was under debt. “In that case, death is better than slavery,” he said.

Mr. Kan also said his party would win the election.


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