The fourth and final season of the rebooted Shaman King anime is coming to Netflix in May 2022.Shaman King is an internationally certified Netflix Original shonen anime series, acclimated from the manga of the same name by author Hiroyuki Takei. The anime also serves as a reboot of the 2001 anime adaption of the manga.The series is about Manta Oyamada, a putatively average middle academy pupil who’s revealed to have the power to see spirits. Upon a cataclysmal hassle where his powers are revealed, Oyamada is enlisted into helping You Asakura, a shaman- in- training, who has the thing of getting the Shaman King.

Since August 2021, seasons of Shaman King have been released on Netflix nearlybi-monthly as the anime was broadcast on Television in Japan

Season Netflix Release Date Blu Ray Release Date
1 09/08/2021 25/08/2021
2 09/12/2021 24/11/2021
3 13/01/2022 23/02/2022
4 26/05/2022 25/05/2022

When is the Shaman King season 4 Netflix release date?

Are you looking forward to the release of Shaman King season 4 on Netflix? Let us know in the comments below!


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