Chinese military researchers have published a study calling for developing capacities that could deactivate Elon Musk Starlink satellites if they threaten national security. According to South China Morning Post, the study was published last month.In this document, scientists highlighted the need to develop a surveillance system with an unprecedented scale and sensitivity to follow and monitor each star liaison satellite, said the post, which has seen the publication.

The study was led by Ren Yuanzhen, a researcher at the Beijing Institute of Tracking and Telecommunications. He calls to adopt “a combination of sweet and hard killing methods”.”A combination of sweet and hard killing methods should be adopted to lose satellites in starry connection and destroy the constellation operating system,” said the document, published in the domestic journal Revised by peers Modern Defense Technology.Chinese military researchers have carried out this study because they believe that a starred connection could increase the speed of transmission of American drones and fighter fighter planes of more than 100 times, said the post report.

Starlink is all the most ambitious projects of Mr. Musk. Under him, his company SpaceX plans to develop an internet network by satellite by launching small satellites in low orbit. These satellites will provide large -band internet services to low latency worldwide, with particular emphasis on distant areas that Earth’s Internet infrastructure has trouble reaching.Starlink is made up of thousands of small satellites, and the Chinese plan is to destroy them all. Since the missiles will not prove to be profitable, the researchers suggested using lasers, microwave technology or even smaller satellites to defend the interests of China.

Earlier this month, Dmitry Rogozin, head of the Spatial Agency Roscosmos in Russia, sent a threat to Mr. Musk after Starlink technology was provided in Ukraine to help military communication and warned him of the repercussions possible.Rogozin declared on a telegram channel that the Starlink satellite had been delivered by the Pentagon, adding that Musk is “therefore accomplice” and will be held responsible.


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