You may have heard about people who named their children after something that means a lot to them. The name can pursue family members, places or even famous people. But have you ever heard someone named their child after their favorite food? And that too, Fritter? Confused? Well, no, because the couple from England has named their child after Desi Snack Pakora is popular. But, don’t believe anything on the internet. Actually, everything is a funny joke made by restaurant owners in the UK!

The Captain’s Table, a restaurant in Newtownabbey, Ireland, goes down to Facebook to share news. The restaurant shared a receipt of orders placed by British couples and also photos of baby girls born on August 24. Actually, the baby girl’s mother likes to eat pakora served at the captain’s desk and named her child after that.

“Now, that’s the first! Welcome to the World Pakora. We can’t wait to meet you,” read the post title. The post is clearly a crazy online viral with many reactions from netizens. The internet naturally cannot remain calm and the comment section is proof of it. “My favorite things to be eaten during my two pregnancies are ice loli and watermelons. Thank God, I use my understanding of being born and does not give the name of my children after them,” wrote a user. Other users commented, “Aw is the same, I named my daughter Taco Bella.”

However, after the post gathered a lot of attention on social media, the owner of the captain’s desk, Hilary Braniff, clarified and revealed that all were jokes. He made a story to “bring a little joy to the industry” due to increased costs and increase energy bills. Braniff claims that he just wants to share the post and brighten people’s day, according to Belfast Live. Hilary also revealed that the baby in the picture was actually his grandson and he was named Grace. “I just think I will post – two of my favorite things in the world are Pakora chicken and my granddaughter. I think I will combine two things for a little fun,” he said.


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