Former US President Barack Obama and former First Lady Michelle Obama returned to the White House today. They returned to the White House to open their official portraits, marking their first joint visit to the iconic building since they left in 2017 and the last return of the Washington tradition was celebrated in 2012. The ceremony to uncover their portrait was organized by US President Joe Biden and attended by First Lady Dr. Jill Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris. the hearts of the American people.

“Jill and I have been waiting to host the event at the White House for a long time coming out of Pandemi, and it is appropriate to be held very closely in the hearts of American people, portraits that will hang on the walls of this holy, people’s homes, forever , and reminders of everyone here and now for them to be in power who hope and change problems and change problems and changes in things that are important problems and change important problems, “said President Biden during the ceremony in the eastern room of the White House.

Former President Obama has visited the White House since Joe Biden served, but the event on Wednesday marked Michelle at the building since Trump arrived in January 2017. The portrait was obtained and assigned by the History Association of the White House, a tradition of the association has been carried out since 1965.

And for the first time, the official names of the artists have been revealed: Robert McCurdy, who painted the portrait of President Obama, and Sharon Sprung, the artist behind the portrait of Ny. Obama. Speaking on that occasion, Obama said that it was America’s luck to make Joe Biden the president. You have guided us for some time dangerous. You have built and surpassed the work that we all do together to expand health care, to fight climate change, to advance social justice, and to promote economic justice, “he said in the middle of applause. Barack Obama said their portrait had a special meaning, because they would hang in the White House with another portrait of the president and the first woman from George and Martha.

“So it is important to find the right person to paint him,” he said. “I want to thank Sharon Sprung for capturing everything I like from Michelle. His grace, intelligence, and the fact that he is good -both fantastic work with me,” said Barack Obama, praising the painters. He reminded guests from Robert’s great painting.

“Robert is known for his public figure paintings: Toni Morrison, The Dalai Lama, Nelson Mandela, Muhammad Ali. But what I like from Robert’s work is that he paints the exact people like that. Good or bad. He captures every wrinkle in Your face, every fold on your shirt, “he said. In the portrait, Obama, wearing a black suit with a gray -gray tie, stood standing out in the middle of the canvas.

The photographs of the photorealistic are fully painted from the photos taken by the artist, Robert McCurdy, during a short photo session. Former First Lady Michelle Obama wore a formal blue dress and sat on the sofa in a red room. The portrait was also painted entirely from photos taken by Sharon artists appeared in various locations on the floor of the White House.

Sprung has taught in the New York Art Student League and the National Academy School for the past 30 years. His paintings and portraits have been exhibited since the late 1970s, including many shows one person in New York City. Through his work in the small details of his people, such as their eyes, nose, or lips, he knows the caregiver.

The portraits, which will hang inside the White House over the next few decades, are the first official portraits added to the White House collection since President Obama at that time held an opening ceremony for George W Bush and Laura Bush in 2012.

Obama’s return to the White House marked a rare moment for the current government and the past to meet and see the president’s legacy in the same room where former President Obama gave the President at that time, Biden, a surprising presidential freedom medal in 2017.


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