
Baki Hanma is an upcoming Netflix Original martial-arts anime series and is that the sequel to the anime Baki. The anime is predicated on the manga of an equivalent name by author Keisuke Itagaki. TMS Entertainment will remain because the production company behind the anime series.

What is Baki Hanma?

In a confusing state of affairs, it’s been revealed that the story of Baki will conclude with a replacement anime series, Baki Hanma.

Judging by the handout and therefore the footage shown of the upcoming Original, TMS Entertainment intends to form Baki Hanma the best designed anime of the whole franchise The fact that TMS Entertainment has decided to make a completely new anime must mean we’re certain something special.

What is the story of Baki Hanma?

Baki Hanma: Son of Ogre picks up where Baki left off, with Baki laying down his challenge to his father Yujiro.

The final season of the franchise will see a number of the foremost epic moments from the manga finally come to life. especially , Baki’s climactic showdown with Yujiro.

baki hanma season 1 yujiro
Yujiro and Baki will finally have their fated showdown in Baki Hanma: Son of Ogre

When is Baki Hanma available to stream on Netflix?

An exact release date hasn’t been revealed by Netflix, but we finally have confirmation that Baki Hanma will arrive in Fall 2021.


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