On international women’s day, the Taliban regime in Afghanistan has a message for women – that they are committed to providing a safe environment to meet legitimate women’s needs and demands On the occasion of international women’s day, I would like to say, women have all their fundamental rights according to Islamic rules. They can use it. IEA is committed to providing a safe environment to meet legitimate needs and demands,” Afghan permanent representatives – referred to the United Nations Taliban spokesman Suhail Shaheen Tweet.

It came less than two months after the Taliban troops used pepper spray to dissolve a group of women who protested in Kabul, demanding the right to work and education, the news agency had reported Since utilizing Afghan control in sweeping the amazing last August by overthrowing a democratic selected government led by President Ashraf Ghani, the Taliban has canceled the possibility of a woman who was included in his government and imposed a cripple restriction in women. A controversial spokesman also said that women only had to limit themselves to childbirth.

In the midst of protests and anger over the Taliban all-man government since taking over Afghanistan, Taliban spokesman said Zekrullah Hashimi, in an interview for Tolo News, said, “A woman cannot become a minister, it is like you put something her neck she can’t bring The girls woke up to close the school when the Taliban only allowed school to reopen for boys and men after forming a government last year. However, schools reopened for girls in the third largest city of Afghanistan, Herat, last November, in clear local changes, reported the Associated Press news agency.

The takeover of Kabul and Afghanistan that the Taliban quickly encouraged the exodus of unprecedented people who left their country last night to escape from other brutal regimes. Hearted visuals emerge from the airport and land borders like people, desperate to escape, separated from the family. Some even killed.


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