Bigg Boss 15 lovebirds Karan Kundra and Tejasswi Prakash had their first ever major fight on the show. Lately, Karan was seen agitating with Umar Riaz how he feels insecure with Vishal and Tejasswi’s bond and the fact that she’s saving him at every point. Still, effects got bitter between Tejasswi and Karan when the ultimate aphorism Tejasswi working out with Vishal.

During the recent occasion, Tejasswi asked Karan to help her with drill but the ultimate, who was sitting with Jay and Neha took time to get up from his seat. In the meanwhile, Tejasswi went inside the house and requested Umar to help her but as he was doing his duty, Vishal agreed to help her. When Tejasswi came out, Karan got up incontinently and went towards the spa area to help her. But when he saw Vishal walking by, Karan lost his cool and went from there.
Post this incident, Karan and Tejasswi had a major showdown. Karan was furious over Tejasswi and asked her to stay down from him. The actress stood there and refused to leave and kept clarifying that she didn’t ask Vishal to help her and he came on his own. Karan requested Tejasswi to let him be alone or additional his unattractive side will come out. He indeed asked her if she’s trying to make him look insecure of Vishal. Karan taunts her that the people from the media are telling him that he’s busy looking at her earrings and clothes and isn’t at each bothered about the show. He indeed advised her to not go and interrogate from his musketeers what he dislikes the most. Tejasswi stood there giving explanations to Karan and he told her”I might be emotional, weak, strong but he is not fu ***** insecure of anyone.”
Karan further asks her what’s she trying to prove and does she indeed understand what he’s doing on public TV? Karan says that she does not admire him. They both continued to fight and he latterly walked off from there. Karan and Tejasswi latterly clinch and patch over and Karan asks her not to be asleep towards him During the night, Tejasswi and Karan’s fight continues. Karan says,”You hang out with Vishal or play games with him, I do not have a problem. But do not let him do stuff that I do with you. My possessiveness for you can come out because ofanyone.However, I might have a problem with her too, because I do it for you, If hereafter Shamita changes your battery. Nothing differently should get the chance to do it for you irrespective of whoever it is.”

Tejasswi asks Karan,”When I called you to help me out to drill, why did not you come. I came and was standing for you, but you got Vishal for you. You did not indeed feel shamed and awaited for indeed 5 twinkles for me. You should understand where I’m coming from and what kind of person I am. So from now on, I’ll talk to him typically but will not ask him to help me with drill and changing my batteries. Karan gets angry at Tejasswi and says,” Do whatever you want to, whenever I get possesive, I’ll blast and it’s normal and natural of me. Just do not come and tell me, see I did not sit with him. That is stupid, what are we in academy Tejasswi shakes her head, getting irked and says,”But that is not two people who should be together. Have you ever had this intelligence with any of yourex-girlfriends? Like you do yours and I will do mine indeed if I do not agree to it. So eventually it’ll destroy our relationship.”


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