China has downgraded its politic relations with Lithuania after the bitsy Baltic nation allowed Taiwan to open a de facto delegacy in its capital before this week. The Chinese foreign ministry said in a statement that Beijing expressed “ strong dissatisfaction” over Lithuania’s move allowing the tone- governed islet to set up a representative office in Vilnius Taiwan considers itself as a autonomous but Beijing claims the islet under its‘one China’ policy and has been pushing to apply the Hong Kong system there. Only a sprinkle of countries have direct politic ties with Taiwan, which Beijing calls a violation of the‘one China’ policy.

On Friday, China advised that Lithuania will “ pay for what it did”  Lithuania only has itself to condemn, it’ll have to pay for what it did,” Chinese foreign ministry prophet Zhao Lijian told a regular news conference.

Lithuania will‘ pay for what it did’, says China after it forges ties with Taiwan While utmost of the countries try to walk a politic tightrope on the Taiwan issue, the United States has come decreasingly oral about the islet’s lesser participation on transnational forums, especially after the morning of the coronavirus complaint (Covid-19) epidemic.

India-China ties are going through a bad patch Jaishankar at Bloomberg New Economic Forum India, China to hold another round of border addresses moment Australia announces new consulate and centre to boost tech ties with India China, meanwhile, is working to introduce legislation that would make people criminally liable for life for supporting the independence of Taiwan. China’s Taiwan Affairs Office prophet Zhu Fenglian said in a statement before this month that people named in a list of sympathizers of Taiwan’s independence will face warrants Opting for draconian measures to muzzle differing voices isn’t new for Beijing. It assessed the controversial public security law on Hong Kong last time aimed at bridling lesser autonomy of the global fiscal mecca, driving review from the West.

Taiwan’s Premier Su Tseng-chang, congress Speaker You Si-kun and foreign minister Joseph Wu have been named in the list drawn up by China for being”stubbornlypro-Taiwan independence Poland There may be worse to come in border extremity Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki advised on Sunday that the migratory extremity on the Belarus border may be a prelude to” commodity much worse”. Flora Bradley-Watson reports.


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