China will take”drastic measures”if Taiwan makes moves towards formal independence, a Beijing functionary advised on Wednesday, adding that Taiwan’s provocations and outside meddling could consolidate coming time China claims democratically governed Taiwan as its own home and in the once two times has stepped up military and politic pressure to assert its sovereignty claim, fuelling wrathfulness in Taipei and concern in Washington.

China was willing to try its utmost to seek peaceful reunification with Taiwan but would act if any red lines on independence were crossed, Ma Xiaoguang, spokesperson of the Taiwan Affairs Office, told a media briefing Still, ply force or indeed break through any red line, we will have to take drastic measures,”If separatist forces in Taiwan seeking independence provoke In a statement late on Wednesday, Taiwan’s Mainland Affairs Council prompted Beijing to”seriously reflect on its work towards Taiwan and make correct judgement on the situation”.

The Council reiterated its call for dialogue on an equal base and said it has maintained a policy of”not provoking”to guard peace across the Taiwan Strait and in the region Taiwan has surfaced as a crucial factor in simulated relations between Taiwan and the United States, the islet’s most important transnational backer and arms supplier despite the absence of formal politic ties.

Taiwan says it’s an independent country and vows to defend its freedom and republic China regularly describes the islet as the most sensitive issue in its ties with the United States.

Ma said provocation bypro-independence forces and” external intervention”could grow”sharper and further violent”in coming months Coming time, the Taiwan Strait situation will come more complex and severe,”he said Beijing has transferred repeated air operations over the Taiwan Strait in recent months to press Taiwan. It has said it’ll not give in to pitfalls.

While the United States recognises only one China, it’s needed by law to give Taiwan with the means to defend itself and has long followed a policy of”strategic nebulosity”on whether it would intermediate militarily to cover Taiwan in the event of a Chinese attack The defeated Republic of China government fled to Taiwan in 1949 after losing a civil war with the Socialists, who established the People’s Republic of China.


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