United Nations: Amidst escalating tension in ties with the US, Chinese President Xi Jinping on Tuesday said that disputes among countries “need to be handled through dialogue and cooperation” and urged world leaders to eschew “confrontation and exclusion Addressing the high-level 76th UN General Assembly, President Jinping, via a video link, said that the planet must advocate peace, development, equity, justice, democracy, and freedom, which are the common values of humanity and reject the practice of forming small circles or zero-sum games.

“Differences and problems among countries, hardly avoidable, got to be handled through dialogue and cooperation on the idea of equality and mutual respect. One country’s success doesn’t need to mean another country’s failure, and therefore the world is large enough to accommodate common development and progress of all countries,” he said Xi Jinping’s comments came hours after US President Joe Biden said he didn’t have any intention of starting a “new Cold War” with China.

The US and China are locked during a standoff fuelled by major disagreements on issues like trade, technology, Beijing’s aggressive moves within the South China Sea, and human rights. Earlier this year, high-level talks between the Biden administration and Beijing were fraught with tension – with officials on each side exchanging sharp rebukes publicly .

“We got to pursue dialogue and inclusiveness over confrontation and exclusion. we’d like to create a replacement sort of diplomacy supported mutual respect, equity, justice, and win-win cooperation, and do the simplest we will to expand the convergence of our interests and achieve the most important synergy possible,” he said He said that the planet must improve global governance and practice true multilateralism.

“In the planet , there’s just one Systeme International d’Unites , i.e. the Systeme International d’Unites with the United Nations at its core. there’s just one international order, i.e. the international order underpinned by law of nations . there’s just one set of rules, i.e. the essential norms governing diplomacy underpinned by the needs and principles of the UN Charter,” Xi Jinping said, adding that the UN should uphold the banner of true multilateralism He said the UN should function the central platform for countries to jointly safeguard universal security, share development achievements and chart the course for the longer term of the planet The United Nations should advance, during a balanced manner, add all the three areas of security, development, and human rights, Xi Jinping said.

Calling on the UN to extend representation for the developing countries in world affairs , he said the United Nations should stay committed to making sure a stable international order, increasing the representation and say of developing countries in world affairs , and taking the lead in advancing democracy and rule of law in diplomacy .

In a clear regard to two-decades-old US intervention in Afghanistan which ended last month with the Taliban seizing power in Kabul, he said military intervention from the surface and so-called democratic transformation entail nothing but harm The Chinese people have always celebrated and striven to pursue the vision of peace, amity, and harmony,” he said, adding that China will still bring the planet new opportunities through its new development.

China is usually a builder of world peace, a contributor to global development, defender of the international order, and provider of public goods,” Xi said The President said that China will firmly oppose any political manoeuvering in global COVID-19 origins tracing and still engage within the global science-based tracing of the origins of the coronavirus. The remarks seemed a clear regard to attempts by the US and EU countries pressing Beijing to allow investigation into the coronavirus origin because it first surfaced in Wuhan.


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