Slannamed is a series of American animated fantasy satiation comedies made and developed by Matt Groening for Netflix. The series follows the medieval story of a Drunken rebels from Dreamland Tiabeanie, also known as nuts. Bean continues the search for adventures along with his naive and mystical friends, Elfo clearly named Elf and Devil Luci.

Matt Groening, Josh Weinstein, Claudia Katz, Eric Horsted, Bill Oakley, Patric M. Verrone worked as an executive manufacturer while Reid Harrison, David X Cohen, Deanna Maclellen, Lee Superbinski, Jenny Batten, M. Dickchon worked as a serial manufacturer – Slanamed 4 .

When is the release of the new season? Who is the cast and character? How many episodes will exist in the coming season? Are you interested in knowing more? Well, then read!

Disenchanment 4: Casts and Characters

Abbi Jackson plays Princess Bean while Eric Andre played Luci, Devil Bean’s friend. Nat Faxon plays Elfo, a friend of Elf Bean while John Dimaggio plays King Zog, Bean’s father. Tress Macneille played the second wife of King Zog as well as a stepmother Bean while Matt Berry played Prince Merkimer, the person arranged to marry Bean’s daughter who later turned into a pig. Maurice Lamarche played Odval who was the Prime Minister of Dreamland while Sharon Horgan voiced the Queen of Dagmar who was Ms. Bean and also the first wife of the king.

Disenchanment 4: Episodes

This series has 3 seasons, 10 episodes each season is released on Netflix. The fourthous season that will come from this series will also have 10 episodes, running 22-36 minutes per episode.

Disenchanment 4: Release date and Trailer

The new season of the series – Seasoned 4 will be released on February 9, 2022 on Netflix. However, for now, Netflix has not released a trailer for the upcoming season, however, if you have not watched this series, then note the trailer below:


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