Master of None is an American comedy-drama television series, which was released for streaming on November 6, 2015, on Netflix.The series was created by Aziz Ansari and Alan Yang, and stars Ansari in the lead role of Dev Shah, a 30-year-old actor, mostly following his romantic, professional, and personal experiences. The first season was set in New York City, and consisted of ten episodes. The second season, which takes place in Italy and New York, consists of ten episodes and was released on May 12, 2017.
Master of None Release Date:
Master of None is premiered on Netflix on 23 May,2021
Master of None Official Trailer:
Master of None Cast:
- Aziz Ansari as Dev Shah, a commercial actor whose best-known work was a Go-Gurt commercial .
- Noël Wells as Rachel Silva (season 1; guest season 2), Dev’s primary romantic interest in the first season. Rachel works as a music publicist .
- Eric Wareheim as Arnold Baumheiser, Dev’s friend who Ansari describes as the “token white friend”. Wareheim notes his character’s friendship is based on his real-life friendship with Ansari as they both enjoy eating. The role was originally set to be played by Harris Wittels before his death in February 2015.
- Kelvin Yu as Brian Chang, Dev’s friend who is the son of Taiwanese immigrants.[23][26][28] An interview with Yu in noted that Brian represented the “onscreen version of co-creator Alan Yang, Dev’s chill, super-good-looking friend” and that he was a “hottie”
- Lena Waithe as Denise, Dev’s friend, who is a lesbian . In an Entertainment Weekly interview, Waithe said that her character was not originally intended to be African-American or gay but that Ansari wanted Denise’s personality to reflect Waithe’s own, so they rewrote her part.
- Alessandra Mastronardi as Francesca (season 2), a friend and eventual romantic interest Dev meets in Italy in the second season. She later visits him in New York.