A French study published this Monday (11) points out that those vaccinated against Covid-19 have nine times lower threat of being rehabilitated or dying of Sars-CoV-2 than the unvaccinated bones. Efficacity, which also appears to be true for the Delta variant, was proven up to five months after the alternate cure of the vaccine The result was published in two reports by Epi-Phare, a scientific group that associates the French Medicines Agency (ANSM) and the French National Health Insurance (Cnam). Epi-Phare experimenters compared data from 11 million vaccinated people over 50 times old, with data on 11 million unvaccinated people in the same age group. The comparison was made between December 27, 2020, when the vaccination crusade began in France, and July 20, last time.

The findings of the French study confirm compliances made in other countries similar as Israel, the United Kingdom or the United States. But the French report is “ the broadest ever carried out in the world,” says Zureik The French study is published at a time when checks carried out in Brazil attest to the protection handed by immunizing agents. A study by the Instituto de Infectologia Emílio Ribas de São Paulo concluded that nearly 9 out of 10 cases admitted to the sanitarium with complications from Covid-19 between January and the first half of September hadn’t completed the vaccination schedule against the complaint. At Hospital Ronaldo Gazolla, in Acari, North Zone of Rio, 95 of the 208 rehabilitated with Covid didn’t get vaccinated.

To try to determine the impact of the Delta variant, now dominant in France, the experimenters used a specific procedure. They took into account only the period from which Delta began to predominate, that is, only from June 20th (one month before the end of the study) The results attained were analogous to former ages. The effectiveness of the vaccine in people over 75 times old was 84, and in the age group between 50 and 74 times old, 92. But the authors point out that one month isn’t enough to “ estimate the real impact of vaccination in relation to the Delta variant” and that the “ study should continue to integrate data from August and September.”

The result is valid for the Pfizer-BioNtech, Moderna and AstraZeneca vaccines. Janssen’s fourth immunizer administered in France wasn’t authorized in the country until latterly and wasn’t included in the study For now, the authors estimate that “ no substantiation points to a loss of immunization that supports the need for a third cure of the vaccine for the entire population The study looked at two distinct groups. On the one hand, data from7.2 million people over 75 times of age were compared, half of them vaccinated and half not. The alternate group comported of15.4 million individualities aged 50 to 74 times, with the same chance of vaccinated and unvaccinated.

The vaccination crusade started in France on December 27, 2020 only for people in the first group. Vaccination of the members of the alternate group was staggered from February 19, 2021, for those over 65 times of age, and from May 10, for those over 50 times of age. The experimenters followed the elaboration of the two groups until July 20 and attained analogous efficacity results for the two age groups.

To compare data and hospitalization rates, the report authors constituted “ couples”. For each vaccinated on a given date, an unvaccinated person of the same age, coitus and living in the same region was associated The study only looked at the effectiveness of vaccines against severe forms of Covid-19. It doesn’t allow us to conclude whether the immunizers help the impurity or transmission of the coronavirus.

Reducing the severe forms of the complaint is the “ topmost thing of public health. An epidemic without serious form is no longer an epidemic”, emphasizesDr. Zureik. The great anticipation now is to know whether evidence of the great efficacity ofanti-covid immunizations in France will be suitable to move theanti-vaccines that still represent a quarter of the population.


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