Meme That Breaks the Internet

Memes are now a dominant force in both social and political circles. A viral meme is more powerful than any television advertisement or news story.

The best memes result in hundreds of different interpretations of the same image. Meme creators change the text to make a new joke or social message. The result is millions of views and the ability to keep a person in consumers’ minds for many months over.

Read on to learn how to make a meme that breaks the internet. Explore how to create funny memes and other meme ideas that are certain to find success.

Combine Popular Meme Images

The cat meme is one of the most popular ever. However, the two images in the meme have nothing to do with each other. Instead, they are brilliantly combined to form a funny narrative.

The first image is of Taylor Armstrong emotionally yelling at another cast member on The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. The second image is of a cat named Smudge sitting in front of a plate of vegetables. What makes the second image so funny is the cat’s bewildered expression.

The cat meme has exploded over the years into thousands of different iterations. There have been spinoffs and the meme is used for hilarious commentary of many social and political issues of the day.

Check the News

Another tactic is to use an image that millions of people are already familiar with. This happened with the viral Bernie meme in January 2021.

During Joe Biden’s presidential inauguration, photographers took a hilarious photo of Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders. The failed presidential candidate sat with his arms crossed and a stern look. His face was covered with a surgical mask, and he donned brown patterned mittens.

Meme creators quickly got to work with this image. Content creators used their favorite meme generator to place the Sanders image into popular movie scenes and historical moments.

A similar situation unfolded with New Jersey Governor Chris Christie. Years ago, an image of Christie lounging on the beach during a government shutdown went viral. In fact, it is still used in memes today and has outlasted Christie’s political relevance.

Capitalize Off the Hottest Trends

The last tip is to place an emphasis on the hottest trends on social media. Memes that focus on the most recent buzz have a shot to go viral.

This is because the meme topic is fresh. People are still thinking and talking about that popular TV show, sports, or news moment. On social media, you can use hashtags with your meme to capitalize off an event’s buzz even more.

How to Make a Meme That Breaks the Internet

You are now ready to start creating viral memes. Taking steps such as combining popular images or focusing on hot social media trends are certain to help.

Your primary goal is to make people laugh or send a cultural message using imagery available on the internet. If you enjoyed this article about how to make a meme that breaks the internet, check out our blog for more great content.

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