Perimeter of a Rectangle

The total length of measure of the boundaries of an object is known as the perimeter of that object. A triangle is a closed polygon with three corners, three angles, and three edges. Thus, the perimeter of a triangle is defined as the sum of the length of all its edges. Suppose we have a triangle with three sides measuring t, v, and f, then the formula for the perimeter is given as follows:

Perimeter of a triangle = sum of lengths of all sides = t + v + f

  • If we have an equilateral triangle where all the sides are of equal measure, then the above formula is written as: Perimeter of an equilateral triangle = t + t + t = 3t, where t is the length of the side.
  • In the case of an isosceles triangle, we know that two sides are of equal length. Thus, the formula is given as: Perimeter of an isosceles triangle = t + t + v = 2t + v

where t is the length of the equal sides and v is the length of the third side.

There are several other concepts that are associated with triangles. To get a good grasp of these topics, it is best to turn to math worksheets. Let us take a look at the benefits of using these sheets.

1. Strengthen Concepts

Once a child learns about the perimeter of triangles, the next step is to apply this concept to questions. As it happens with newly introduced concepts, he might not have understood all parts of it. Suppose he has a question on a right triangle with two known sides where he has to find the perimeter. He might not understand how to solve it as he does not understand how to find the third side. In such a situation, he is struggling to apply the correct concepts. Once he takes the help of a teacher, he realizes that the Pythagoras theorem has to be used to find the length of the third side, and then the perimeter can be determined. Thus, as he was able to gauge his problem point by solving this worksheet, he was able to work on it and strengthen his concepts.

2. Practice Problems

There are several types of practice problems available in these worksheets. As the problems based on the perimeters can be confusing, a child needs to be exposed to a wide-ranging variety of sums. These need to be ordered in an increasing level of difficulty so that kids can build up confidence as they move through questions. As they are exposed to so many sums, and they have a good hold of the topic, they do not get flustered during exams. They can easily breeze through the paper, and good marks are an inevitable consequence.


There are several other concepts associated with triangles, such as area, trigonometry, Pythagoras theorem, etc., that kids need to learn. A good practice is to join an educational institution such as Cuemath to further your knowledge. At Cuemath, the experts deliver a well-organized and fun-filled lecture by using resources such as online worksheets, workbooks, interactive math puzzles, math games apps, and visual simulations. A kid is encouraged to find the answer to a problem himself by using the cues provided by the tutors. As children have strong foundational development, they have no issues in solving tough questions. The goal is always to focus on forming strong concepts rather than getting a good score. By developing this mindset, a child will be successful in any field.

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