The Central government has n’t included antiviral medicine Molnupiravir in its revised clinical guidance for operation of adult COVID-19 cases, and specified that Remdesivir and Tocilizumab should be specified under certain conditions only It stated that high- threat for severe complaint or mortality is among those over 60 times. Also people with cardiovascular complaint, hypertension, diabetes mellitus and other immunocompromised countries ( similar as HIV), active tuberculosis, habitual lung/ order/ liver complaint, cerebrovascular complaint and rotundity fall in this order.
The guidelines were revised by the All India Institute of Medical Science and Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR)-COVID-19 National Task Force/ Joint Monitoring Group, under the Health Ministry Molnupiravir had preliminarily entered a thumbs down from the ICMR indeed after it got blessing for exigency use by the Medicines Controller General of India (DCGI). ICMR Director GeneralDr. Balram Bharagava had raised safety enterprises about the medicine.

New drugs

Meanwhile, the World Health Organisation on January 14 added new medicines Baricitinib and Sotrovimab for treatment of COVID-19 cases. It noted that Baricitinib is recommended for treating those suffering with severe or critical COVID-19 and Sotrovimab, a monoclonal antibody medicine, is recommended for treating cases who have mild or moderate COVID-19 Speaking about the use and vacuity of these medicines in India,Dr. Gopi Krishna Yedlapati, adviser interventional pulmonologist, Yashoda Hospitals, Hyderabad, said Sotrovimab, a synthetic antibody, wasn’t available in the country. “ The other medicines which we used are generallyanti-inflammatory medicines similar as steroids, Toclizumab, Baricitinib,etc., of which Baricitinib has proven its efficacity in controlling the complaint effectively. But before initiating Baricitinib, we’ve to be careful that the case does n’t have any other bacterial infection and should be inescapably on blood thinners,” he stated, adding that Baricitinib had been used effectively in utmost of their cases.

Dr. Manoj Goel, director, Pulmonology, Fortis Memorial Research Institute, observed Baricitinib was being used in serious cases along with steroids. “ Baricitinib is nearly inversely effective as the other comparator medicine, Tocilizumab, with the added advantage of being more provident and orally available. Sotrovimab is another monoclonal blend remedy, which is effective against Omicron and recommended for high- threat cases to help serious complaint. This medicine isn’t yet available in India, ’’ he refocused out.


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