Some of the foremost popular non-English language titles on Netflix are from Spanish-speaking nations, the likes of cash Heist and Control Z come to mind. In October 2021, subscribers can anticipate to the upcoming release of three new Spanish-language Originals on Netflix.

Five women with an equivalent birthmark began to unravel the reality about their pasts and find out a tragic web of lies spun by a strong politician.

Netflix Release Date: Wednesday, October 13th, 2021

A girl named Amanda lies in pain, while a young teenager named David urgently questions her, forcing her to unravel the reality of what happened to her. She isn’t his mother and he’s not her son. Together they’re going to reveal a disturbing and evocative tale of broken souls, an invisible lurking terror, and therefore the fragile threads that bind parents and youngsters .

Where a woman tries to ditch a romantic mistake from the past. Lina is starting over, moving house, trying to find a replacement job, and trying new experiences. But what Lina is basically trying to try to to is forget a love from the past, her old flame . Every day, Lina tries to stay the time she spends brooding about Nico one minute less in order that she will advance together with her life.


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