In a viral incident from Birmingham, United Kingdom, a man named Muhammad Malik announced himself on huge billboards. The 29- time-old took out billboards and set up a website to find a woman. Yes, you read that right The billboards feature Muhammad Malik lying down on a grandiloquent screen and pointing at a line, “ Save me from an arranged marriage.” The billboards also featured the link to a website

My ideal mate would be a Muslim woman in her 20s, who is seeking to more her deen. I am open to any race but I have got a loud Punjabi family- so you’d need to keep with the bants,” the 29- time-old wrote on his website Netizens were relatively amused with Muhammad Malik’s announcement and took to the commentary box to express their responses.

“ I am considering transitioning and getting religious just to marry you,” a stoner said. Another stoner reflected, “ Congrats Bro. I may need to do the same I am creative and love doing the most arbitrary and absurd effects,”he said, and so he gave it a shot. The billboards will stay up till January 14,” Malik was quoted as saying to the BBC.

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