Mannat,: where Shah Rukh Khan and his family stay, known to be a beehive of exertion at any time of the day and night, now wears an creepy quietude. A creeping despair about the family’s eldest born’s future seeps into every corner of the formerly-bustling home

It’s not just about the bail. It’s much more that. Shah Rukh has noway felt more cornered and defeated. In fact he and Gauri (Mrs Shah Rukh Khan) are yet to wrap their heads around what has happed. One day Aryan was with them. The coming day he’s behind bars for breaking anesthetics laws,” a veritably close friend of the couple shares with this pen.

So what’s the coming move?

“ Nothing! They noway anticipated Aryan to not get bail. Now all expedients are projected on October 20. Shah Rukh has employed some of the stylish legal minds to figure a way out. I suppose there will more legal counsels coming on board. But there’s a growing feeling in the family that this isn’t just a legal matter,” the family ends on an portentous note refusing to say any further.


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