Russian President Vladimir Putin did not know the way out of the war, Joe Biden said on Monday when the United States tried to speed up assistance for Ukraine, which was the 11th week of the worst European conflict in decades. Mentioning Putin “a man who is very counting”, said the US President, Russian leader “does not have a way out now, and I try to find out what we are doing about it”.

Biden, who spoke at Washington’s fundraising, said Putin’s mistaken trust was that NATO and the European Union would break up due to war, Reuters news agency reported.Signing the 2022 loan rental law, to help help the country owned by the war, he added: “I signed a bill that provides other important tools in our efforts to support the Ukraine government and the people of Ukraine in their struggle to defend them the state and their democracy against the war Brutal Putin. And it’s brutal. “

The lease loan law, which helped the US send assistance to its allies during World War-2, was revived by Washington to Kyiv. Although the US did not enter the war until 1941, it helped its allies with this action, said the government’s statement.Acknowledging conflict victims in Ukraine, Biden was quoted in the White House statement: “Every day, Ukraine pays their lives, and they struggle together – and the cruelty carried out by Russia is outside of pale. And the cost of battle is not cheap, but rely to aggression even more expensive. That’s why we remain in this matter. “

“I want to thank the Congress members here for being passed and all the people who support the bill. And the bill shows that support for Ukraine is very important today, “he added.”And with War Putin once again brought a naughty destruction to Europe, and to – to reaffirm the eternal commitment to the future based on democracy, human rights, and peaceful resolution for disagreement, I will now sign this bill,” the word word president.

The Russian President on Monday led the celebration of the day of victory in the country to mark the 77th anniversary of the 27th victory of the world when Moscow showed his military power.”You fight for the homeland, for the future, so that no one forgets lessons from the second world war. So there is no place in the world for the executioner, kastigator and Nazi,” he said in his speech, comparing Ukraine conflicts with World War-2.


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