A photograph of a pizza surfaced on Reddit. Users were shocked to see the paltry creation served to a tourist in Rome, Italy

Pizza is one Italian dish which has travelled across the world. The humble dough is scorched along with Marinara sauce, lots of trash, and the choicest of gravies. There have been multitudinous inventions and creative tacks that culinarians have applied to the pizza- giving it a new spin and reinventing it. Notwithstanding, one resemblant state-of-the-art pizza has not gone down well with Reddit junkies. A Reddit post surfaced online showing a pizza from Rome, Italy and the piffling gravies were indeed questionable for junkies. Take a look

The post was partook in thesub-Reddit r/ funny by stoner u/ saltybz, where it took 15k upvotes and 2k play-by-play.”My people got this pizza in Rome, Italy,” revealed the stoner. The picture showed a pizza base that was outmatched with feeds, bits of wursts, and speckled with tomato ketchup and mayonnaise. The scattered dish made hastily put together and reality definitely had gone wrong with the spare gravies.

Reddit freaks responded to the piddling pizza. Several expressed their surprise on seeing the pizza from Rome, Italy and how it featured nonsensical marinades. The weird combination of French dinners with wurst as a pizza outstripping also didn’t go really well with Reddit addicts. Some suggested that this was a pizza meant only for bairns and not grown-ups. Others called it the’Americano’created for American excursionists in Italy.


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