While acknowledging that Indian oil imports from Russia will not fall in the sanctions regime imposed by the United States (US) and its allies, the White House said that it was time for India – and other countries – to choose the historical side where they wanted to lit When asked about reports that India could take Russian offering from discounted crude oil, and what would be the US response to the movement by India and others, a white building spokesman Jen PSAKI, said, “Our message to any country continues to be That, clearly, obey the sanctions we have done and recommended. I don’t believe this will break it. But also think about where you want to stand when history books are written at this time. “

PSAKI added that “support for Russian leadership” is support for the clear invasion of having a devastating impact ” India’s plan reports to continue economic involvement with Russia, through alternative payment mechanisms, have trigger a series of new important responses in the US towards India’s attitude in Russian invasion to Ukraine.

Amy Bera, Chairperson of the People’s Representative Council Subcommittes in Asia, Pacific, Central Asia and non-proliferation, said in a statement that as a senior Indian-American member in Congress, he had been “very disappointed” with Abstain in India in the vote at the UN condemning aggression Russia, although there is a long history of India to maintain its own borders from external aggression.

“Even worse, India is now reported to seek international sanctions and buy Russian oil with a steep discount rate, potentially giving (Vladimir) Putin for the rest of the economy during the Russian economy staggered from international sanctions Bera added that if these reports are accurate then New Delhi will “choose to side” with Putin. “As the largest democracy in the world, and as a quad leader, India has the responsibility to ensure its actions are not directly or indirectly support Putin and its invasion.”

In this recent audience in India and the Indo-Pacific on the hill, members of the US parliament have expressed their anger and disappointment in India’s attitude, although there was an attempt by administrative officials from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Pentagon to provide a glimpse of its obstacles with their dependence. in Russia.

Administration has said that it will not “stand with” and allow the state to compensate for Russia at this time. In the context of China’s support for Russia, Ned Price, a spokesman for the State Department, said on Monday, “We oversee the extent of the PRC, or other countries in this matter, provide all forms of support, whether it is material support, whether economic support, Whether it’s financial support, to Russia. Every such support from anywhere in the world will be a great concern for us. “

India has expressed in-depth concern in the deteriorating situation in Ukraine and called for the termination of violence and ended all the hostilities immediately. However, New Delhi, Abstain from the UN resolution attacked Russia. The Minister of External Affairs Jaisankar told parliament on Tuesday that India has “reiterated at our highest level of leadership to all parties concerned that there is no choice but diplomacy and dialogue. We have emphasized all UN member countries that the global order is anchored In international law, the UN certificate and respect for territorial integrity and state sovereignty. “


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