China on Wednesday came out with white paper which stated that it would occupy Taiwan forcibly, if necessary, even when completing 10 days of life fire training involving around 370 various kinds of fighter aircraft and 14 warships for Browbeat Taipei and forced the neighbor’s neighbors That neighbor is a neighbor’s neighbor, a neighbor, a neighbor who is neighboring neighbors with neighbors and neighbors who are neighbors with neighbors and neighbors who are neighbors with neighbors and neighbors who are neighbors with neighbors and neighbors are countries to be handed over by tactics “Shocked and Agency”.

War dances around Taiwan are accompanied by several countries such as Russia, Iran, Pakistan, and Cambodia who have the “One Chinese” policy with Beijing wolf fighters who take unpleasant diplomatic injections for anyone who looks in favor of Taiwan during Nancy Pelosi’s house speaker Self to yourself to side with Taiwan during the speaker of the DPR Nancy Pelosi to Self the Self -Pogerning Island Nation. The statement from China was shaved from subtle diplomacy and resembled screams and nicknames from global disturbing. PLA has now concluded the war game that simulates the arrest of Taiwan but has promised to protect the entire island under the frequent supervision of the air battle and the navy patrol in the Taiwan Strait which separates the island from the mainland.

While all regions including the Japanese and South Korean Pacific are in the last 10 days, the big question is whether President Xi Jinping ordered his troops to capture Taiwan in the near future or is white paper only diplomatic posture? The question does not have a simple answer but the analysis of cost benefits by national security experts reveals that taking over Taiwan by China by using military forces is more easily pronounced than done.

With US President Joe Biden on May 22, 2022, stating that it was America’s commitment to militarily defend Taiwan to China’s attacks, it made sense to assume that the opportunity for war was all very high if President XI decided to work with Taipei through strength. Although it is certain that Taiwan will be destroyed in the war against the red giant, the East Coast of China, which contributes greatly to the economic power of Beijing, will also be hit by the Missile of the Land attack of Yu Feng and Hsiung Feng II E Attack Cruise. The question is can China be able to get its coastal cities hit by Taiwan missiles because it will have serious consequences for its economic growth if the factories are destroyed by missiles.

Every step by China to capture Taiwan will lead to economic retaliation from the US and its allies even with Japan who have no other choice but to release their peaceful doctrine. Chinese investment to the US government securities will be frozen by Washington with Western countries who are likely to recognize Taiwan by damaging the “One Chinese” policy. This will be preceded by Capitol Hill who passed the Taiwan Defense Act 2021, whose aim is to maintain the ability of the US Armed Forces to deny Fait Accompli by the People’s Republic of China against Taiwan. This bill was introduced in the US senate on June 16, 2021 and was referred to the armed service committee.

The Chinese military action against Taiwan will not only push Japan to the martial arts emergency but will also invite the powerful US Navy to the theater with ASEAN countries that are forced to side when the red flag rises. If supported by US military power in the region, Taiwan will be a strong force because the east coast industry cities and missile parks will be targeted by submarine ballistic missiles launched. With a doctrine that is guaranteed to be superior in a few hours after battle, can China be able to be plastered for a very small island to only satisfy the ego of eternal leader

. While all Chinese are shrouded under bamboo curtains with President Xi Jinping ruled the mainland with iron hands, confusing voices have begun to emerge from the country as part of leadership in the Communist Party believe that wolf soldiers in Chinese and military diplomacy will lead them to the country to disaster economy. The question is now asked to the highest leadership with the initiative of the belts that many praised almost stopped it even though the investment of nearly one trillion dollar by Beijing and the recipient countries openly blame China for making them walk into the debt trap. The economic crisis in Chinese client countries such as Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Myanmar, Kenya etc. Following the economic impact of the disaster from Pandemi Covid Global originating from Wuhan, China.


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