India intends to mobilize the S-400 missile defense system made in Russia next month to defend itself from the threat of Pakistan and China because it is pursuing extensive military modernization efforts that include air, land, naval and strategic nuclear powers, the main intelligence officials of the Pentagon have Held by high -ranking Pentagon officials, said during the congress session.

India began to receive the delivery of the S-400 missile defense system from Russia in December last year, Lieutenant General Scott Berier, Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, told members of the Senate Armed Service Committee during the recent congress session.In October 2021, the Indian military tried to get a advanced surveillance system to strengthen the land and sea borders and improve its offensive and defensive cyber capabilities.

“In December, India received the initial delivery of the Russian S-400 air defense system, and intended to operate the system to survive against the threats of Pakistan and China in June 2022,” Berryer said.

“India continues to develop the ability of hypersonic missiles, ballistic, shipping and air defense, conduct several tests in 2021. India has more satellites in orbit, and expands the use of space assets, the possibility of pursuing the ability of offensive space,” he said. Berrier told members of parliament that New Delhi pursued a broad military modernization effort which included air, land, naval and strategic nuclear powers with an emphasis on domestic defense production.

India takes steps to build an integrated theater order that will improve the joint ability between its three military service. Since 2019, Prime Minister Narendra Modi has given priority to strengthen the Indian economy by expanding its domestic defense industry and building a list of negative imports to reduce defense purchases from foreign suppliers.

“India’s old defense relations with Russia remain strong, holding their first ‘2+2’ format talks in December-a Foreign Minister and Joint Defense which was previously only held by India with the United States, Japan and Australia. “India has maintained a neutral attitude about the Russian invasion of Ukraine and continues to call for peace,” Berrier told the law makers.According to Berrier, throughout 2021, New Delhi continued to implement foreign policies aimed at showing India’s role as a prominent force and clean security provider in the Indian Ocean region.

India seeks to promote prosperity and ensure stability in the Indo-Pacific region by seeking strategic partnerships to build influence through bilateral and multilateral mechanisms such as rectangular security dialogue and Association of Southeast Asian nations (ASEAN), he said.

“New Delhi seeks to deepen intelligence and operational cooperation in cyber security, protect important information infrastructure, prevent manipulation of enemies from public opinion, and to create standards and norms that protect and secure data governance,” Berryer said.

Following the collapse of the Afghan government, New Delhi was increasingly worried about the potential attacks on India by terrorist groups based in Pakistan such as Lashkar-e-Taiba and Jaish-e-Mohammed-which were empowered by Afghanistan controlled by the Taliban, he said.

The evacuation of Indian personnel from Afghanistan reduced its resources to monitor potential threats and process the influence on regional stability, he said.Apart from the effective ceasefire in 2003, India continued to pose in response to the perceived militant threat, and had continued the counterterrorism operation in Kashmir, said Berier.

“The occasional battle between Indian and Pakistani troops will continue, and high profile attacks in India by terrorists based in Pakistan are at risk of Indian military response,” he said.Berrier said that the Chinese-Indian relations remained tense after a fatal clash in the summer of 2020 between each strength along the actual control line (LAC).


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