You is returning for a fourth season at Netflix and currently wrapped up filming. At Netflix’s TUDUM occasion it turned into discovered that season four might be break up into parts, with the primary arriving in February 2022, and component 2 in March 2022. Here’s the entirety we recognize thus far approximately You season four on Netflix.

You is a Netflix Original romantic crime drama collection created via way of means of Greg Berlanti and primarily based totally at the novels You and Hidden Bodies via way of means of creator Caroline Kepnes. The collection turned into in the beginning on Lifetime earlier than Netflix picked up the collection as an Original. Once You landed on Netflix, the recognition of the collection exploded, and turned into watched via way of means of over fifty four million families worldwide.

Each season of You sees Joe flow location. The deeply unsettled romantic serial killer has traveled from New York to Los Angeles, to Madre Linda, and in the end to Paris, France.

When was You renewed for season 4?

In what turned into a shocking flow made via way of means of Netflix, the declaration that You have been renewed for a fourth season got here forty eight hours earlier than the 1/3 season turned into released.

Alongside the declaration, Sera Gamble (one of the showrunners) stated “We’re deeply thankful that Netflix has proven You such huge support, and that humans round the sector have loved looking Joe definitely get all of it very incorrect over the last three seasons, stated Gamble. “The complete You crew is happy to discover new, darkish aspects of affection in season four.”

As one of the maximum famous Originals of the Netflix library, there has been no question in that You could now no longer be turned into constantly going to be renewed for a fourth season. However, we had been looking forward to the declaration to be made after the 1/3 season landed, simply in case it spoilt something turned into in shop for Joe in season three.

When is the You season 4 Netflix release date?

At the Netflix TUDUM occasion, it turned into discovered that the fourth season of You might be break up into parts.

  • Part 1 will premiere on Netflix on Friday, February 10th, 2023.
  • Part 2 will premiere on Netflix on Friday, March 10th, 2023.

You is returning for a fourth season at Netflix and currently wrapped up filming. At Netflix’s TUDUM occasion it turned into discovered that season four might be break up into parts, with the primary arriving in February 2022, and component 2 in March 2022. Here’s the entirety we recognize thus far approximately You season four on Netflix.

You is a Netflix Original romantic crime drama collection created via way of means of Greg Berlanti and primarily based totally at the novels You and Hidden Bodies via way of means of creator Caroline Kepnes. The collection turned into in the beginning on Lifetime earlier than Netflix picked up the collection as an Original. Once You landed on Netflix, the recognition of the collection exploded, and turned into watched via way of means of over fifty four million families worldwide.

Each season of You sees Joe flow location. The deeply unsettled romantic serial killer has traveled from New York to Los Angeles, to Madre Linda, and in the end to Paris, France.

You Season 4 Cast: Who’s new and who’s returning?

In what turned into a shocking flow made via way of means of Netflix, the declaration that You have been renewed for a fourth season got here forty eight hours earlier than the 1/3 season turned into released.

Alongside the declaration, Sera Gamble (one of the showrunners) stated:

“We’re deeply thankful that Netflix has proven You such huge support, and that humans round the sector have loved looking Joe definitely get all of it very incorrect over the last three seasons, stated Gamble. “The complete You crew is happy to discover new, darkish aspects of affection in season four.”

As one of the maximum famous Originals of the Netflix library, there has been no question in that You could now no longer be turned into constantly going to be renewed for a fourth season. However, we had been looking forward to the declaration to be made after the 1/3 season landed, simply in case it spoilt something turned into in shop for Joe in season three.


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